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  • St Ambrose baptizing St Augustine in the cathedral of Milan.

    Ambrose on baptism Fr Timothy Matkin 2008

  • SYNLawn Lawn comes in a variety of options that mimics real grass such as St Augustine grass, Kentucky Blue, Fescue, and Rye; styles are listed as lasting up to 10 years with one line specifically designed for children's playgrounds,

    Apartment Therapy Main 2009

  • While we wait for practical uses for this exciting research, what can we do besides driving to St Augustine, Fla. and bathing in the fountain of youth?

    Stephen Barrie, ND: Fountain of Youth Is Closer ND Stephen Barrie 2012

  • While we wait for practical uses for this exciting research, what can we do besides driving to St Augustine, Fla. and bathing in the fountain of youth?

    Stephen Barrie, ND: Fountain of Youth Is Closer ND Stephen Barrie 2012

  • While we wait for practical uses for this exciting research, what can we do besides driving to St Augustine, Fla. and bathing in the fountain of youth?

    Stephen Barrie, ND: Fountain of Youth Is Closer ND Stephen Barrie 2012

  • While we wait for practical uses for this exciting research, what can we do besides driving to St Augustine, Fla. and bathing in the fountain of youth?

    Stephen Barrie, ND: Fountain of Youth Is Closer ND Stephen Barrie 2012

  • While we wait for practical uses for this exciting research, what can we do besides driving to St Augustine, Fla. and bathing in the fountain of youth?

    Stephen Barrie, ND: Fountain of Youth Is Closer ND Stephen Barrie 2012

  • As well as the requirements that St Augustine set out on the serious evil and prospect of success required, she wrote that the "prince" must offer terms of restitution, and must summon the adversary and so inform him of them.

    Letters: Just war in theory and practice 2011

  • Cameron's approach could be characterised as the St Augustine strategy: "Lord, let's have a referendum, but not yet."

    EU referendum Commons vote – live coverage 2011

  • That story begins in the late sixth century with the re-introduction of Christianity and the arrival of St Augustine.

    Early medieval architecture: a story of castles and churches 2011


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